Crystal St. John is your enneagram 4, INFJ, old soul friend who acts like a 5 year old at certain hours of the day.
Being the youngest child of her family, she learned from a lot of observing and grew up quickly. Nonetheless, she will probably forever be a curious child by nature.
She grew up in conservative Midwest (Kansas City, to be exact) where she inhereted her moral roots mixed with contradicting childhood traumas, making her one ambitious girl on mission to bring healing to the pains that have haunted her.
What pain is that?
Fear. The kind of fear that causes us to be afraid of people who are different from us. The fear that keeps us from pursuing our deepest dreams and finding joy in the mundane. The fear that causes us to have low self-esteem and to project limiting beliefs onto ourselves and everyone else.
Crystal believes the salve to fear is curiosity. The answer is in seeking to understand. And self-understanding is our first step to extending this empathy outwards.
Naturally- in her own rebellious spirit towards fear, Crystal made a vow way back when she was 14 that she must pursue a courageous life... so how has that played out so far?
Today she lives in Los Angeles with her filmmaker husband, and is pursuing her career as an actress.
She has written a workbook on building self-awareness, to help people discover and pursue their best life.
She is ever thinking and daydreaming how she can use storytelling and words to inspire self-love, spiritual awareness, paradigm shifts, and the like.
Find her latest creative muses on IG or Tiktok.